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Monday, 23 July 2012

Batteries Samsung Galaxy S3 Most Durable?

A study says that the smartphone Samsung Galaxy S3 is able to last longer than other smartphones in its class. The results of this test performed by Which?, a daily media digital technology.

They conduct research and testing of several smartphones in addition to Samsung Galaxy S3, such as the HTC One X, Sony Xperia S, 4S Apple iPhone, HTC and Motorola Gleam Sensation XL - with one group of data derived from battery power 101 average smartphone that has been tested .

All handsets are tested with the test talk time as a measure of acceptance and use it on a 3G network, making this phone is used more realistic than the standard estimates used by the manufacturer. Samsung Galaxy S3 be a winner, because it can last up to 726 minutes (more than 12 hours!) On receipt of talk time and 3G networks, and in second place is the HTC One X by 91 minutes.

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