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Sunday 1 July 2012

Apple Wins Decision to Block Sales of Samsung Galaxy Nexus in the U.S.

What is sought Apple to block the sale of smartphone Samsung Galaxy Nexus finally echoed the court in the United States.

As reported by the site All Things D, it was reported that Apple has won the patent dispute on Friday. An important point is achieved by Apple in that victory is finally mobile Galaxy Nexus which was accused of violating his patent would be banned from sale in the United States.

U.S. District Court Judge Lucy Koh, the decision considers Apple is able to prove in court that the Galaxy Nexus Apple violated four patents, although the order blocking the smartphone is based more specifically on a certain patent related to "core voice and search functionality."

When banning the sale of Galaxy Nexus will effectively enforced, it has not been decided. Lucy Koh himself has set the hearing to be held Monday morning, to decide whether the prohibition order was delayed pending the appeal of the Samsung.

In addition to the Galaxy Nexus, earlier this week, Koh has also decided the termination sales of other products that also belongs to Samsung, the Galaxy Tab 10.1.

"It is no coincidence that the last Samsung product looks very similar to the iPhone and the iPad, ranging from hardware to form a user interface, even the packaging," said Apple when questioning related to the case.

On the other hand Google is also become involved in patent infringement cases, it seemed disappointed with the court decision.

"We are disappointed with this decision, but we believe that the correct result will be achieved because of evidence that has been found," said Google spokesman.

As is known, Galaxy Nexus is a smartphone is strategically important for Google as a primary device that comes with the operating system Android Ice Cream Sandwich. Galaxy Nexus also is also a device that is distributed to application developers to test the Jelly Bean, at the conference Google I/O this week.

In addition, Google also said that the Galaxy Nexus will be one of the first device that receives the final release of the Jelly Bean.

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